1. "Oxide and Heat Treatment Microstructure Evolution of Melted Mark on Copper Wire under Various Heat Treatment Conditions", Suphattra Sachana, Kohei Morishita, Hirofumi Miyahara, Materials Transactions, 64 [9] (2023) pp. 2302-2308. DOI: 10.2320/matertrans.F-M2023806
  2. "Microstructures and Oxide Scale of Melted Mark on Copper Wire Solidified under Various Cooling Conditions and Subsequent Heat Exposure", Suphattra Sachana, Kohei Morishita, Hirofumi Miyahara, Materials Transactions, 64 [9] (2023) pp.2296-2301. DOI: 10.2320/matertrans.F-M2023806
  3. "Influence of Bridging on Macrosegregation in the Medium-carbon Steel Cast with a Laboratory-scale Middle-chilled Mold", Juhuai MA, S. Iwakiri, K. Morishita, H. Miyahara, ISIJ International, 63 (2023) pp.1137-1144. DOI: 10.2355/isijinternational.ISIJINT-2023-038
  4. "Solidification Microstructure and Segregation in the Medium-carbon Steel Cast with a Laboratory-scale Local-chilled Mold", Juhuai MA, M. Miou, H. Esaka, K. Morishita, H. Miyahara, ISIJ International, 63 (2023) pp.1122-1130. DOI: 10.2355/isijinternational.ISIJINT-2022-541
  5. "Microstructural Examination of Molten Marks on Copper Wire for Fire Investigation", Suphattra Sachana, K. Morishita and H. Miyahara, Forensic Sciences, 3 (2023) pp.12-19. DOI: 10.3390/forensicsci3010002
  6. "高炭素高速度鋼系合金の凝固組織に及ぼすCu添加の影響", 田中 友基, 上宮田 和則, 森下 浩平, 宮原 広郁, 鉄と鋼, 109 (2023) pp.144-148. DOI: 10.2355/tetsutohagane.TETSU-2022-068

Miyahara Laboratory

Department of Materials
Kyushu University
Building No. WEST-4
744 Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka 819-0395 Japan


九州大学 大学院 工学研究院 材料工学部門
構造用金属科学講座 材料複合工学講座
福岡県 福岡市 西区元岡744 九州大学ウエスト4号館


Professor  Hirofumi MIYAHARA
Associate Professor  Kohei MORISHITA